Mongolia has been regularly making discussions with regards of reaching to the ports of regional coastal states as well as using them under favorable terms. Therefore, Mongolia has acceded to relevant multilateral and intergovernmental agreements.
According to the mutual Agreement between the Government Mongolia and the Government of the People’s Republic of on the access to and from the sea and transit transport by Mongolia through China’s territory in 2014, the sea-access transit via open ports to the foreign trade in the Northern and North Eastern provinces of China became open for Mongolia
Therefore, an agreement between the Mongolia Maritime Administration, affiliated organization of Road and Transportation Ministry of Mongolia and the Jinzhou Seaport Administration in Liaoning province of the People’s Republic of China was concluded in 2016 and Mongolia opened a representative office at this port in an effort to make Jinzhou one of the sea access actively used by Mongolia.
The route to the sea transit via Far East ports of Russian Federation through the Trans-Siberian railway is open for Mongolia according to the agreement to have sea-access and transportation transit through the territory of Mongolia and Russia in 1992.
Moreover, Memorandum of Understanding between the Mongolia Maritime Administration and the Port Authority of Genoa, Italy on cooperation in the field of maritime transportation, port operations and logistics were renewed in 2017.